The User Does Not Have Rsop Data Microsoft

The User Does Not Have Rsop Data Microsoft 3,7/5 3428 votes

Where itdroplets myuser is the user account that is logged on that workstation at the minute. If you’re running this with PSEXEC (remotely) and you don’t know who’s logged on, run the following (with your admin account) Microsoft Office Suite.

Question : The user “DOMAINuser” does not have RSOP data

I have resolved a problem with the group policies on the server but I still have the same problem on the workstations.

I also just noticed that any new user account that I create, now, has the same problem in that when I log into a domain computer as that user and try to run GPRESULT, I get the error 'INFO: The user 'Domain Name User Name' does not have RSOP data.' Microsoft Networking. This workstation and user are in the same containers as other users with GP successfully. The user 'xxx xxx' does not have RSOP data.

Unable To Generate Rsop Data

When I run gpresult, I get the following error;
INFO: The user “DOMAINuser” does not have RSOP data
When I run rsop.msc, I get the following error
RSoP data is invalid. Likely causes are, data is corrupt, data has been deleted or data has never been created.
Datails: Invalid namespace

I reinstalled a new server and was trying to get some of the SYSVOL data restored from the tape. After I did this, that is when I started having the problems. I deleted all of the existing policies, ran dcgpofix and that put the default GPO’s back but I still have the issues above. Of course the workstations don’t run the GPO’s and they take a long time to log in.

Solution: The user “DOMAINuser” does not have RSOP data

Rsop Command

Troubleshooting RSoP : link

May not be that helpful though.

It sounds like that the workstations are not picking up the replaced policies – the issue is that they seem to have corrupted policies as well.

You could try resetting the accounts in AD – but this has never really worked for me. Could you try reinstalling one station – and see if that works out?

If that doesn’t solve the problem – then you still have a server problem.


Estimated project duration: 1 day or less
I install 3 Dell Precision 7520 with Windows 10. When I start the session for the user, I can’t have the GPO. I have the message « INFO: The user does not have RSoP data » with GPRESULT /R. With my admin session, it’s OK. The GPO are deployed.
I have a DC with 2008 R2 and another with 2012 R2. The deploy is normally with 2012 R2.
I try a lot of things from forums, with Google searches, with no solution.
2 Nov 2017

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