Bi Publisher Template Builder Installation Error

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  1. Oracle Bi Publisher Templates
  2. Bi Publisher Pdf Template

Oracle BI Publisher Desktop Installation Error. User12028272 Aug 26, win64 and office32 Template Builder for Word installation Oracle BI Publisher. In order to design the template, we need a template builder for Excel which is installed automatically when you install the BI Publisher Desktop plug-in. Here are the 10 simple steps to create an XLS template.

I am currently having issue installing BI Publisher Desktop on Windows XP SP3 with Office 2007 on 2 out of 4 computers. They are build from the same Windows image and same settings.
Here are the installation error messages :
Error message #1
Automation Error
Error message #2
Compilation error in the hidden module: Module_menu
Error message #3
Template Builder Installer failed: Unexpected Error.
In the readme, it is said to look into the 'TemplateBuilderInstaller.log' for any error message so here is the result:
[Word Template Builder Installer for AL Start]
Date: 2012-08-27 15:28:01
v2 0002
Parameters: u,C:Program FilesOracleBI PublisherBI Publisher Desktop
Installation Directory: C:Program FilesOracleBI PublisherBI Publisher Desktop
Set directories start
Create word object
Word object was created
Template file path : c:documents and settingsmaximepapplication
Get directories
Current Directory : C:Program FilesOracleBI PublisherBI Publisher DesktopTemplate Builder for Word
Program Files Directory: C:Program Files
Start Program Directory : C:Documents and SettingsmaximepMenu DémarrerProgrammes
Set directories end
SetIniData Start
ReadIni Start
Can't find the installed path from the registry.
Can't find the installed path from the registry.
ReadIni End
SetIniData End
Word process check start
Found OpusApp
Word process check end
Found another MS Word process
createReturnCode Start
createReturnCode End
[Template Builder Installation for AL End]
Anyone can help ?
Start display at page:
Download 'Welcome to Oracle BI Publisher Template Builder for Word !'
  • Agatha Gillian Morris
  • 2 years ago
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1 Welcome to Oracle BI Publisher Template Builder for Word ! Introduction The Template Builder is an extension to Microsoft Word that simplifies the development of RTF templates. While the Template Builder is not required to create RTF templates, it provides many functions that will increase your productivity. The Template Builder is tightly integrated with Microsoft Word and allows you to perform the following functions: Insert data fields into your RTF templates Insert data driven tables and crosstabs Insert data driven charts Preview and Validate RTF templates with sample XML data Browse and update the content of form fields Extract boilerplate text into an XLIFF translation file and test translations This help document assumes a basic working knowledge of Oracle BI Publisher. Please refer to the Oracle BI Publisher User s Guide for additional information. This Template Builder version is based on BI Publisher and compatible with the XML Publisher 5.7 core libraries. If the template builder is installed correctly, you should see the Oracle BI Publisher entry at the end of the menu bar: If you are new to Template Builder for Word, please skip the next sections and continue with the Quick Tutorial. What is new in Version ? Template Builder provides the following new features: Integration and Connectivity with Oracle Discoverer Right-click menus for editing form fields easily Additional chart types and sub types Preview for PowerPoint output What is new in Version ? Template Builder provides the following new features: Integration and Connectivity to Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise New crosstab functionality Enhanced charting dialog supporting multiple series 1 of 13

2 What is new in Version 5.6.2? Template Builder provides the following new features: XML Schema files (.xsd) as data definition Drag & Drop for the Insert Field dialog BI Publisher compatible Validation Function allows to check templates for problems. Builder for simple XML Publisher Enterprise reports Template Builder allows you to load an XML Schema file (XSD) to describe the report data. The XML schema has the advantage of being complete (a sample xml may not contain all the fields from the data source). The Template Builder can generate dummy sample data for the preview from the XML Schema, but we still recommend that you upload a real sample XML. What is new in Version 5.5? Template Builder 5.5 provides the following new features: Extract the template boilerplate into an industry standard XLIFF translation file Preview templates with translation files Sorting and page/section breaks for tables XML Publisher 5.5 compatible Quick Tutorial This tutorial describes how you would typically create a simple layout template. You will create a letter that shows the outstanding balance for a customer. This letter contains a table of all unpaid or partially paid invoices. Load Word File Often a template starts from an example document in the form of a regular Microsoft Word document. For this tutorial go to the samplesrtf templatesbalance Letter folder under your BI Publisher installation directory (e.g. C:Program FilesOracleBI Publisher Desktop) and load the file Balance Letter Start.rtf. This file represents a Word document that has not been marked up for use with Oracle BI Publisher. Load Sample XML Data From the Oracle BI Publisher > Data menu select Load XML Data to load a sample XML document that contains the data fields you may want to insert into your RTF layout template. For this tutorial go to the samplesrtf templatesbalance Letter folder under your BI Publisher installation directory and load the file Balance.xml. Insert Form Fields You may want to select single data fields, such as the customer name and address at the header of the letter. Position the cursor in the Word document where you want to insert the Address. From the Oracle BI Publisher > Insert menu select Field to open the dialog window shown below. 2 of 13

3 Select the field Customer Name and click Insert to insert a form field for the customer name into the document. You may also insert the remaining address fields (such as Address Line1 to 4, City, State and Zip). Starting with this version, you can also just drag the Customer Name field from the dialog and drop it into the Word document. NEW! You can also select the fields, As of Date, Trx Currency Code and the C Inv Open Balance and insert them into the appropriate spaces in the document. Note: As a beginner, you should use Insert Fields only for data fields that are unique (not repeating) in your document. Refer to the Insert Table section for additional information on how to insert repetitive fields Preview Template After adding fields to the document, you may want to test your template. Oracle BI Publisher Template Builder allows you to preview your template with your sample XML data. You can preview the output in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF), Microsoft Word file (RTF), Microsoft EXCEL (EXCEL) or a browser (HTML). 3 of 13

4 From the Oracle BI Publisher > Preview menu select HTML to preview your template in a browser. From the Oracle BI Publisher > Preview menu select PDF to preview your document in Acrobat Reader. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or higher installed to preview documents in PDF format. You can download Acrobat Reader for free at The preview should show Vision Corporation instead of the field Customer Name. Insert Table You can build a table or a repeating section by inserting the elements and then adding additional form fields with processing instructions (for-each). Instead, the Template Builder offers an additional function that generates a table for you. The Template Builder can generate for-each instructions either as descriptive or abbreviated. Abbreviated instructions are less invasive to the appearance of the document, while descriptive processing instructions make the template easier to understand. For this tutorial, select Options from the Oracle BI Publisher menu, switch to the Build tab and select Descriptive as shown below. The document should include a table of all invoices that are not or only partially paid. On the Oracle BI Publisher > Insert menu select Table/Form to open the Table/Form Dialog. The following dialog will be displayed: 4 of 13

5 Scroll in the left Data Source view pane until you see the G Invoices element. Push the left mouse button and drag the G Invoices element over to the center Template tree view. When you drop an element with children (other elements below the element), the following pop-up dialog appears: Note: A Node is a term used in tree views for an element in the tree view. For example, Customer Name, G Currency and G Invoices are all nodes. Transaction Date is also called a child node of G Invoices, and G Invoices is referred to as a parent node of Transaction Date. To add multiple nodes, click Drop All Nodes with the left mouse button. When you select the 'G Invoices' node, the dialog box should now look like this: 5 of 13

6 We only want to show the fields Trx Number, Transaction Date, Trans Amount, and Trans Amount Remaining. Select the field Trans Type in the center view and press the Delete button on your keyboard. Repeat the procedure for the other fields that you do not want to be included in the table (as shown in the screenshot below). You should now click again on the G Invoices element in the center view. The Properties region on the right shows how the data fields will be formatted. You should see the following information: 6 of 13

7 For each group you can set the following properties that describe how a group (such as G Invoices) should be rendered by the template builder: Style: Select Table to create a table around the data fields. Grouping: Grouping is an advanced operation that allows you to re-group the data for example by transaction date instead of currency. You can select the element that the data should be grouped by for this property. Please refer to the Oracle BI Publisher User s Guide for additional information on grouping. Show Grouping Value: This property will only be shown if you have selected a node created by the Grouping functionality. You can choose for a group if the Data Field node used as a grouping criterion is shown in the table or form. Sort By: You can select an element by which the data groups are sorted. Sort Order: If you have selected an element for Sort By you can select, if the data should be sorted either ascending or descending. Sort Data Type: If you have selected an element for Sort By the data is by default sorted as Text. That means that 12 will be shown after 111. If you need to sort numbers you should select Number as the sort data type Break: This property allows you to insert a page break or a section break between every data group. If nothing is select, then the data groups will be shown continuously with no break. If you select New Page per Element, then a page break will be inserted between each element. If you select New Section per Element, a section break will be created for each data group. A section break allows changing the header/footer and resets the page 7 of 13

8 number. You will typically use this option, if you want to print multiple documents (for example invoices or purchase orders) to a single PDF file. The order in which the data elements are shown reflects the order of the columns in the table. If you want to reorder the columns you need to change the Insert Position box from Child to Same Level. Then drag the elements into the correct order. Click the OK button to create the table. The inserted table should look like this: Trx Number Transaction Date Trans Amount Trans Amount Remaining for-each G_INVOICES TRX_NUMBER TRANSACTION_DATE TRANS_AMOUNT TRANS_AMOUNT_REMAINING end G_INVOICES The Template Builder creates two kinds of form fields: Form fields representing data elements Form fields with processing instructions for repeating table rows or document section Form fields representing data elements are replaced with the data when the template is processed. The for-each G_INVOICES and end G_INVOICES form fields indicate a repeating section. The section of the document encapsulated by these two form fields is repeated, if the associated data element G_INVOICE is found repetitively in the data. Please refer to the Oracle BI Publisher User s Guide for additional information on form fields. You can now format these elements in Microsoft Word and add additional text. You can also move fields around as long as you keep them in the surrounding for-each G_INVOICES and end G_INVOICES processing instruction. If you remove one of these processing instructions your template may not work anymore with BI Publisher. You now can preview the template again to review your current template (see above). You probably would like to change the alignment of the table columns or change the data type and format for the amounts. For example, select the TRANS_AMOUNT field, right-click and select BI Publisher -> Properties to see the Properties dialog. 8 of 13

9 You may select the Number in the Type field, #,##0.00 for Number format and enter 1000 as the Default Number to achieve a more desirable format for currencies in US Dollar. We recommend not to use currency signs such as $ in the format string, since it may lead to difficulties in supporting multiple languages with a single template. Formatting options defined in this dialog box are understood by Oracle BI Publisher and used to format your fields. Try to modify the template to get an idea which Word functions are supported by BI Publisher Creating Charts The data used for creating the open balance letter is not well suited to create a chart. Close the previous Word document and open a new Word document. Then load the RetailSales.xml file in the samplesrtf templatessales Report folder by selecting Load XML Data from the Data menu. This data contains retail sales data for different industries. We will create a chart that shows the sales per industry. BI Publisher does not support native Microsoft Word Charts. You need to create charts using the Template Builder. On the Oracle BI Publisher > Insert menu select Chart to open the Chart Dialog. The following dialog will be displayed: 9 of 13

10 On the left tree view pane you may drag Industry to the Labels field, because we want to see the data accumulated by industry. Then we drag the Sales to the Values field. We select a Pie Chart as the Type and click the Preview button to see how the chart will look like with our sample data. Then we click OK to insert the chart into the RTF template. 10 of 13

11 The Template Builder will insert the placeholder image shown below for the chart. To change the size of the chart, you can just resize the placeholder image. 11 of 13

12 From the Preview menu select HTML to preview your template in a browser. From the Preview menu select PDF to preview the output in Acrobat Reader. The preview will show the correct chart for the preview data: 12 of 13

13 Please refer to the Oracle BI Publisher User s Guide for additional information regarding charts. Next Steps This concludes the quick tutorial. Try to create your own template now. Refer to the help file for additional information. You should also consult section 2 RTF Templates of the Oracle BI Publisher User s Guide packaged with the Template Builder. The User s Guide is accessible from the Start menu under: Programs Oracle BI Publisher Desktop Template Builder for Word BI Publisher User s Guide We hope you like the Template Builder and appreciate your feedback. Your Oracle BI Publisher team 13 of 13

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