Download Software Antrian Bank Gratis
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Aplikasi ini akan membacakan nomor antrian secara otomatis, dapatdi gunakan di Bank, Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas, Praktek Dokter, KantorPolisi dlljika antrian memiliki beberapa loket, aplikasi ini dapatterhubung kebeberapa perangkatbaik itu Android, iPhone, WindowsPhone, Komputer Windows,Komputer Linux dll, Sebagai upaya untukturut meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan-pelayanan publik di Indonesiabaik itu yang dikelola pemerintah maupun swasta. sayamempersembahkan sebuah aplikasi untuk memanggil antrian secaraotomatis yang saya sebut dengan 'Mesin Antrian'.Aplikasi ini mampumembacakan nomor antrian dari 1 sampai batas maksimum nomor antrianyang sangat besar yaitu 1 milyar -1 atau 999.999.999CARAMENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI MESIN ANTRIANUNTUK PENGGUNAAN DENGAN 1 LOKETSentuh tombol 'setting'=>mode = 'standalone'UNTUK MEMATIKANPEMBACAAN NOMOR LOKET Secara default aplikasi ini akan membacakannomor antrian dengan kalimat: 'nomor antrian sepuluh di loket satu'Jika pembacaan nomor loket tidak diperlukan: ubah nomor loketmenjadi 0 Sentuh tombol setting=>loket = 0 Sekarang aplikasiMesin Antrian akan membacakan nomor dengan kalimat: 'nomor antriansepuluh'UNTUK PENGGUNAAN DENGAN BANYAK LOKET Jika anda inginmenggunakan pada antrian yang memiliki banyak loket, anda bisamenghubungkan berbagai perangkat untuk di gunakan sebagai mesinantrian di setiap loket, anda harus memastikan semua perangkatterhubung didalam satu jaringan wifi Buat salah satu perangkatmenjadi server Sentuh tombol setting=>mode : server catat alamatserver yang tertera pada kolom 'server url' Mennggunakan perangkatandroid di loket lain ubah mode menjadi client Sentuh tombolsetting => mode : client masukan alamat server yang kita catatdi kolom server tentukan nomor loket Menggunakan perangkat selainandroid di loket lain buka webbrowser (seperti: gogle chrome,mozila firefox, internet explorer, safari, Opera mini dll masukanalamat server yang telah kita catat di kolom address, tentukanloket di kolom loket.The application will automatically read queuenumber, can be used in Bank, Hospitals, health centers,PracticeDoctor, Police etc.if the queue has several counters, theseapplications can connect to several devicesbe it Android, iPhone,Windows Phone, Computer Windows, Linux computer, etc.,In an effortto contribute to improving the quality of public services inIndonesia either government-run or private.I offered an applicationfor call queues automatically what I call the 'Machine Queue'.Thisapplication is able to read a queue number from 1 to the maximumnumber of queues is 1 billion -1 or 999 999 999HOW TO USE THEMACHINE QUEUE APPLICATIONSFOR USE WITH 1 COUNTERTouch the'Settings' => mode = 'standalone'DEADLY FOR READING NUMBERCOUNTERBy default this application will read queue number with thesentence:'queue number ten on the counter one'If the counterreading of the numbers are not needed:change the number of countersto 0Touch the button settings => counter = 0Now the applicationqueue machine will read the number with the sentence:'queue numberten'FOR USE WITH LOTS OF COUNTERIf you want to use on a queue thathas a lot of counters,You can connect a variety of devices to beused as an engine queues at each booth,you must ensure that alldevices are connected in a network wifiCreate one device into theserverTouch the button settings => modes: servernote the serveraddress listed in the 'server url'Mennggunakan android device inanother counterchange the mode to clientTouch the button settings=> modes: cliententer the server address that we recorded in theserver columnspecify the number of countersUsing a device otherthan android in another counteropen webbrowser (like: gogle chrome,mozilla firefox, internet explorer, Safari, Opera mini etc.serveraddress input which we have noted in the column address,specify thecounters in the counter column.
Cheque Pro merupakan program yang dirancang khusus untuk usahawan yang selalu menggunakan pembayaran dengan menggunakan cek. Dengan hadirnya program ini, nantinya diharapkan dapat membantu anda dalam mengelola transaksi pembayaran anda.Fitur dan kemudahan yang diberikan oleh Cheque Pro adalah merancang dan mencetak berbagai jenis cek dan ukuran sesuai dengan kebutuhan usaha anda. Setiap transaksi yang anda lakukan nantinya akan tersaji bentuk laporan yang bisa anda export dalam bentuk document PDF, Excel, Word, dan lain sebagainya.
Cheque Pro telah digunakan lebih dari 4000 pengguna dari berbagai penjuru dunia dengan berbagai jenis usaha yang berbeda seperti : Perusahaan tunggal, Bank, Perusahaan Audit, Kedutaan dan lain sebagainya. Untuk jenis usaha Bank, hampir mencakup ratusan nama Bank ternama yang ada di Asia, Eropa, United Kingdom, dan lain sebagainya.
Cheque Pro is a Cheque printing software that prints on any size of cheque from any country to a normal office printer. 4000's of clients from Indonesia, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Hong Kong, UK, UAE, Middle East and Europe enjoy the simplicity of cheque printing and managing the business payment process. Cheque Pro automates the whole process of storing customer details, cheque details, printing payment vouchers, cheque alignment and generate up to date reports with a ease of one click'.
Which printers are supported...?
Cheque Pro is built on the ideology of utilizing existing resources. User can use any existing printer in their office. Most of the printer type are supported laser Printers, Deskjet Printers, Inkjet Printers, All in one Printers.
Can be used in any country for any Bank.
Cheque Pro is a Cheque printing software that prints on any size of cheque from any country to a normal office printer. Cheque Pro is a multi company, multi user, multi Bank account, multi check book, multi currency and multi language software.
Built on the ideology of utilizing existing resources.
Cheque Pro is built on the ideology of utilizing existing resources. User can use any existing printer in their office. Most of the printer type are supported laser printers, deskjet printers, Inkjet printers, All in one printers.
Help's to build cheque layout to fit your Bank cheque.
Cheque Pro has a built in state of art cheque alignment engine, cheque image can be imported as well as tons of other parameters can be edited.
Eliminates spelling mistakes, differences between amount in figures amd amount in words.
Cheque Pro just needs the user to select the payee name and enter the amount to be paid to the payee, rest parameters required to prepare the cheque are auto filled like date, 'Not negotiable' 'Account Payee Only' stamp, conversion of figure to amount in words.
Cheque’s printed from ChequePro cannot be tampered.
Cheque Pro has a built in feature for adding **** before and after the payee's name, amount and amount in figures, thus disabling the ability to amend or modify the payee's name, amount or amount in figures after the cheque is printed.
100's of Bank templates which has images and alignment of various Banks from various countries.
Yes Cheque Pro includes 100's of Bank templates which has images and alignment of various Banks from various countries. Users can easily import Bank images and set alignment according to there printer with a very simple cheque alignment engine.
Historical record on issued cheque, Bank statement, management reports, reconciliation, etc.
Instantly generate business intelligent reports. These information is strategically stored in database so that a simple search can generate the required information instantly. Export reports to Adobe, Excel, Word etc for your meetings or presentations or general financial review for any particular client or vendor or Bank.
Import multiple Cheque information to be printed using a predefined spreadsheet format containing date, payee name, amount, description.
Maker and checker concept or 4 eyes.
Is one of the central principles of authorization in the information systems of financial organizations. The principle of maker and checker means that for each transaction, there must be at least two individuals necessary for its completion. While one individual may create a transaction, the other individual should be involved in confirmation/authorization of the same. In this way, strict control is kept over system software.
User can add signature to cheques. To create a signature image, sign on a piece of paper and then scanning it and save the scan to a file. Your signature file is in the correct file format. Cheque Pro accepts almost any image file format, including BMP, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF. The signature can be aligned using the built in WYSIWYG alignment engine.
Windows XP Vista 7 8 10
All version 32 - 64 Bit.
Processor : Intel Pentium 4 and above
RAM : 1 GB and above
Hard Disk space : 200 MB and above
Printer : Laser, Inkjet, Deskjet
Size : 34 MB
Password :
Oct 09, 2014 Software System Antrian merupakan software yang sering digunakan pada unit pelayanan umum seperti Bank, Rumah. Gratis Download. Pernahkan kita antri disebuah bank atau kantor pos atau rumah sakit atau kantor BPJS. Klik Download link dibawah ini untuk mendownload Software Pemanggil Antrian.
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Download Software Antrian Bank Gratis
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